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Package Manager

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juan hernández

posted on 2012/04/29 05:20:50 PM CEST


module QEI (encoder)

I need a example of activate the module dspic30f QEI

janaki paramashivan

posted on 2012/04/28 01:23:57 AM CEST

Other Codes

example with more then one push button

i m using 5 buttons ... but only one is getting detected so i need an example which has more than one button for better understanding ....................

Johann Uys

posted on 2012/04/23 10:39:19 AM CEST

Motor Control


Hi Everyone

I have a problem to output PWM on both CCP1 and CCP2 on a PIC16F877. I do not need the outputs simultaneously.

Can someone please help' if possible in Mikrobasic.

Kind regards

Johann Uys

Dean Hutchinson

posted on 2012/04/18 03:54:55 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

Mp3 Player Using Mikromedia board pic18FJ

Hope someone can help i'm new to mikro c and visual tft i'm trying to use the tft display to play an mp3 track but can not get it to work. I'm Hoping some of you guy will have a simple program /project i can take a look.
Currently i can get an mp3 to play using the example but this does not use the tft would this be easy to add to visual tft ?
Regards Dean

Hridz the heart

posted on 2012/04/18 03:22:10 AM CEST

Graphics & LCD > LCD

MicroC code for implementing fuzzy membership function

hello friends I am doing a fuzzy based project using PIC16f877a, i need some idea regarding the implementation of membership function in microc.

with regards

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