We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2011/10/25 04:03:10 PM CEST
posted on 2011/10/22 10:22:50 AM CEST
Does anyone have a code or a library ( MikroC ) for ILI9325 color TFT LCD controller ?
posted on 2011/10/21 05:53:56 PM CEST
hello, please i need help on how to decode the quadrature signals from mechanical mouse for direction, using pic16f887 or 18f4520.
i will appreciate any solution in mikroC ,links and schematics or just an advice on how to go about it thanks
posted on 2011/10/21 11:42:04 AM CEST
I need a code to store data in a PIC32 flas memory. Thanks a lot. Regards.
posted on 2011/10/20 06:05:06 AM CEST
Dear Sir,
EUSART interrupt, I have written below lines
PIR1.RC1IF = 1;
PIE1.RC1IE = 1 ;
But still EUSART interrupt does not work. U have any idea. Also may my mistake be in project setup