We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2011/09/09 05:39:45 AM CEST
It could be fantastic have the library to manage FAT32 on MMC card.
posted on 2011/09/08 05:37:47 PM CEST
posted on 2011/09/08 05:36:35 PM CEST
posted on 2011/09/06 11:22:38 AM CEST
Plz... can anyone help me with CODE or the IDEA how to input/change timer_variables [HR : MIN : SEC] from the keypad?
I download the"Programmable Relay Timers (PIC)" code given in this great site(LIBSTOCK) and try to edit it but still it didn't
I'm using mikcroBasic for PIC as compiler, 2x16LCD, Keypad and PIC16F877a.
Thanks a lot, in advance.
posted on 2011/09/06 03:02:08 AM CEST
I need to realize urgently a simple HW and code to save on a USB pen drive or on an SD-card a simple file .txt
I've MikroBasic for PIC with license and MikroC for PIC32 with license. If could be necessary I've ready to buy any other compilers or Development Boards.
Thanks a lot!