Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Akhil Mudiraj

posted on 2018/08/07 04:31:31 PM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

PCF8563 (RTC) and uart communicaiton

please with help with RTC(PCF8563), UART Communication interface with PIC24fj128ga106.

Paolo Motta

posted on 2018/07/09 12:48:36 PM CEST


Adc usart

Hi need help with mikrobasic,
I want to read adc from usart and activate output.
-Send "R1" or "read1" from pc
-Pic16f877 read adc1
-Send back to pc
-Pc read value and if ok send "Ok"
-Pic set pin high or low

Final version i need to read all channel.


posted on 2018/07/06 04:44:58 PM CEST

Audio & Speech


I need sample code for initialization of pic24fj1024ga610 mcu..
1.Need toggle pin of mcu.

Anil Patel

posted on 2018/07/04 04:13:52 AM CEST

Communication > Ethernet

I want to deplou UDP client along with http demo pic32.

I want to broadcast messages using UDP over LAN using Net_Ethernet_sendUDP() function.
Can anyone send me udp client demo or examples as library help doesn't documented well ?

Kevin Orcutt

posted on 2018/06/25 06:53:52 AM CEST

Motor Control

PWM click code problems.

Hey All,
A few years ago, the PWM Click board was introduced, along with he LibStock entry for it... As originally posted, the code was missing a certain function. Could someone from MikroElektronika take a look at and see if the code could be updated. There have been several users asking about it, an no indication as to any progress in getting the code updated. Also it would be great if a pic Basic version could be translated/provided.

I'll also post this over on the forum site as well to see if we can a response to this requests.

Thanks in Advance,

Kevin Orcutt

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