Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Simon Duke

posted on 2013/04/24 04:13:36 AM CEST

Graphics & LCD

Menu Navigation with Incremental Encoder and Push Button in BASIC

I think that is very useful for many people as a guide to save time in their projects. Some ideas:: LCD and TFT indications, Multilingual choice, Floating Point changing values, a buzzer to beep in every step etc.

Eric Gislason

posted on 2013/04/21 04:37:35 PM CEST


Simple counter with hold/reset

I am in need of programming for a simple input pulse counter that will hold its count over power cycling, and reset to zero on demand. For use with PIC16F628A and 4 digit 7 segment common cathode display. Input pulse comes from a basic NPN sensor switch.

Jo Chung

posted on 2013/04/19 02:12:53 PM CEST

Audio & Speech


I did received the 7 segment Click board. I try to download for the example code from libstock but only found stellaris example code... Can anyone share me the ARM mikroC for this EasyMx PRO™ v7 for STM32 ARM®

hung do hung

posted on 2013/04/18 05:43:05 AM CEST

Motor Control

rc servo controll

hello everyone
i have a project named: "dancing robot"
the project require to controll 17 rc servo to creat the action of robot .
if anyone can share experiece to solve that
i use rc: es08a by emax , and controll by pic 18f4431
i need a sample code to make it act
any support u can email me

Amr Arafa

posted on 2013/04/18 04:53:41 AM CEST


RS485 program

i had used the RS485 library to transceive data between 2 mcus
now i need to receive/transmit data from/to computer to slave mcus

i need to know the packets the computer should create to match the library
if there a ready program could u share it plz

thanx alot

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