We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2013/04/24 04:13:36 AM CEST
I think that is very useful for many people as a guide to save time in their projects. Some ideas:: LCD and TFT indications, Multilingual choice, Floating Point changing values, a buzzer to beep in every step etc.
posted on 2013/04/21 04:37:35 PM CEST
I am in need of programming for a simple input pulse counter that will hold its count over power cycling, and reset to zero on demand. For use with PIC16F628A and 4 digit 7 segment common cathode display. Input pulse comes from a basic NPN sensor switch.
posted on 2013/04/19 02:12:53 PM CEST
I did received the 7 segment Click board. I try to download for the example code from libstock but only found stellaris example code... Can anyone share me the ARM mikroC for this EasyMx PRO™ v7 for STM32 ARM®
posted on 2013/04/18 05:43:05 AM CEST
hello everyone
i have a project named: "dancing robot"
the project require to controll 17 rc servo to creat the action of robot .
if anyone can share experiece to solve that
i use rc: es08a by emax , and controll by pic 18f4431
i need a sample code to make it act
any support u can email me :doconghung92@gmail.com
posted on 2013/04/18 04:53:41 AM CEST
i had used the RS485 library to transceive data between 2 mcus
now i need to receive/transmit data from/to computer to slave mcus
i need to know the packets the computer should create to match the library
if there a ready program could u share it plz
thanx alot