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posted on 2013/05/29 06:02:52 AM CEST
hello would like to know if I can help I need a code to which reguistre Realize next thing I turn off the ignition and several computers and display them in a display and that the data is sent via optical genuine abuse a task and programming costs me: beforehand ..... thank you very much
posted on 2013/05/28 04:40:18 AM CEST
The PIC is connected to USB and compact flash fat16. so i need to read data in compact flash through the USB. Since i am new to the mikroC, could anyone please give me some tips about the code to interface USB with fat16 so that i can read data from fat16?
thank you in advance!
posted on 2013/05/28 04:25:52 AM CEST
The PIC is connected to USB and compact flash fat16. so i need to read data in compact flash through the USB. Since i am new to the mikroC, could anyone please give me some tips about the code to interface USB with fat16 so that i can read data from fat16?
thank you in advance!
posted on 2013/05/20 11:06:08 AM CEST
Hi there,
Anyone played with GPRS and tcp sockets over a GPRS Modem??
Need to connect to a server over tcp sockets to send info.
thanks a lot!
posted on 2013/05/20 06:56:58 AM CEST
hi im new at programming. i have compilled two different sorce codes and want to use one chip to run both programms.
when i build them in mikroc pro the software builds but only the first program works. i have test the programs buy building the individualy and they work, but if put together i have a problem . can any one please assist me
//*my first project**************************************************************
//* DATE : 19/05/2013
//* PROJECT: pic 16f887, with lm35 ; button on ports
unsigned int adc_value;
long temp;
char value [15];
char *degs = "00.00";
void main() {
char TEST = 5; // Constant TEST = 5
enum outputs {RELAY = 3}; // Constant RELAY = 3
float result;
unsigned char lcd_value[15];
int temp_flag=0;
const low_temp=25.00;
const high_temp=26.00;
ADCON0 = 0b01010000; // Fosc/32, RA2 input
ADCON1 = 0b10000001; // Ra3 = Vref, all analog = 2.5V
TRISB = 0x00; // PORTB All Outputs
TRISA = 0xFF; // PORTA All Inputs
while(1) {
result = ADC_Read(2);
temp = result/2.048;
else if (temp>high_temp){
else if (temp<=high_temp && temp>=low_temp){
else {
void main1() {
char TEST = 5; // Constant TEST = 5
enum outputs {RELAY = 3}; // Constant RELAY = 3
ANSEL = 0;
PORTB = 0 ; // Reset port B
TRISB= 0xFF; // All portb pins are configured as inputs
PORTD = 0; // Reset port D
TRISD = 0b11110011; // Pin RD3 is configured as an output, while the rest are
// configured as inputs
do {
if (Button(&PORTB,0,1,1)) // Does the number in timer match constant TEST?
(PORTD.RELAY = 1); // Numbers match. Set the RD3 bit (output RELAY)
if (Button(&PORTB,1,1,1)) // Does the number in timer match constant TEST?
(PORTD.RELAY = 1); // Numbers match. Set the RD3 bit (output RELAY)
if (Button(&PORTB,5,1,1)) // Does the number in timer match constant TEST?
(PORTD.RD2 = 1); // Numbers match. Set the RD2 bit (output DBW)
while (1); // Remain in endless loop