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posted on 2013/05/19 11:46:43 PM CEST


Send and receive SMS using GSM2Click and PICPLC16v6 Development Board

I need to send and receive SMS using the above mentioned hardware. I had written a program based on the example provided. But I could not send/receive sms. Pls help me through this.

/*Receive sms and acknowledge back by sending sms*/

// Set of basic AT commands
const char atc0[] = "AT"; // Every AT command starts with "AT"
const char atc1[] = "ATE";
const char atc2[] = "AT+CMGF=1"; // TXT messages
char atc3[] = "AT+CMGS=\"+6597329728\""; // sends SMS to desired number
const char atc4[] = "AT+CMGR=1"; // Command for reading message from location 1 from inbox
const char atc6[] = "AT+CMGL=\"ALL\""; // Check status of received SMS

// Responses to parse
const GSM_OK = 0;
const GSM_Ready_To_Receive_Message = 1;
const GSM_ERROR = 2;
const GSM_UNREAD = 3;


// SMS Message string
char SMS_Message[300];

// phone number string
char phone_number[20]="+6594816756";

// State machine control variables
char gsm_state = 0;
char response_rcvd = 0;
short responseID = -1, response = -1, rsp;
char set_stat = 0, clr_stat = 0;
char PORT_flag = 0;
char Digital_O = 0;
char gsm_number = 0;
char Unread_flag;
char status_req = 0; // Status request variable

// Send command or data to the Telit GM862 Module - (const)
void GM862_Send(const char *s)
// Send command or data string
while(*s) {
// Terminatation by CR

// Send command or data to the Telit GM862 Module - (RAM)
void GM862_Send_Ram(char *s1) //
// Send command or data string
while(*s1) {
// Terminatation by CR

// Get GSM response, if there is any
short Get_response() {
if (response_rcvd) {
response_rcvd = 0;
return responseID;
return -1;

// Wait for GSM response (infinite loop)
void Wait_response(char rspns) {
char test = 1;

while (test){
test = Get_response();
if ((test == rspns) || (test == GSM_ERROR))
test = 0;
test = 1;

// Compose Status SMS
unsigned ComposeMessage(char* Message);

// Send Status SMS
void Send_Msg(char* Msg){
char atc[33];

atc[0] = 0; // clear atc string
strcat(atc, atc3); // atc3 command for sending messages
GM862_Send_Ram(atc); // send AT command for SMS sending
Wait_response(GSM_Ready_To_Receive_Message); // Wait for appropriate ready signal

GM862_Send_Ram("trial sms from pic to gsm modem"); // Send message content
UART_Wr_Ptr(0x1A); // Send CTRL + Z as end character
UART_Wr_Ptr(0x0D); // Send CR
UART_Wr_Ptr(0x0A); // Send LF
Wait_response(GSM_OK); // Wait OK as confirmation that the message was sent


// Send status SMS to the cell phone number defined by the atc3 const string
void Send_Status(){

// 3sec pause
void Wait(){

// Main
void main(){

ADCON1 |= 0x0F; // Configure AN pins as digital

TRISB = 0;

// Setup interrupts
RCIE_bit = 1; // Enable Rx1 intterupts
PEIE_bit = 1; // Enable peripheral interrupts
GIE_bit = 1; // Enable global interrupts


// Negotiate baud rate
while(1) {
GM862_Send(atc0); // Send "AT" string until GSM862 sets up its baud rade
Delay_ms(100); // and gets it correctly
if (Get_response() == GSM_OK) // If GSM862 says "OK" on our baud rate we program can continue

Wait(); Wait(); // Wait a while till the GSM network is configured

GM862_Send(atc2); // Set message type as TXT

GM862_Send(atc1); // Disable command echo

// blink as a sign that initialization is successfully completed
PORTB.B0 = 0xFF;
PORTB.B0 = 0;

// infinite loop
while(1) {
GM862_Send(atc6); // Read status of the messages and read message it self
Delay_ms(100); // Wait until the message is read

while(1) {
GM862_Send(atc0); // Wait until the module is ready
if (Get_response() == GSM_OK)

if (Unread_flag){
if (PORT_flag){ // Turn ON/OFF port D LEDs if there were new commands
PORT_flag = 0;

while(1) {
GM862_Send(atc0); // Wait until the module is ready
if (Get_response() == GSM_OK)

if (status_req){ // Send status SMS if it's been requested
status_req = 0;

Unread_flag = 0;

if (Unread_flag){ // if we have received message in mean time
Unread_flag = 0;
break; // break from while


// state machine
// Reading the data from UART in the interrupt routine
void interrupt(){
char tmp;
char i;
if (RCIF_bit == 1) { // Do we have uart rx interrupt request?
tmp = UART_Rd_Ptr(); // Get received byte

// Process reception through state machine
// We are parsing only "OK" and "> " responses
switch (gsm_state) {
case 0: {
response = -1; // Clear response
if (tmp == 'O') // We have 'O', it could be "OK"
gsm_state = 1; // Expecting 'K'
if (tmp == '>') // We have '>', it could be "> "
gsm_state = 10; // Expecting ' '
if (tmp == 'E') // We have 'E', it could be "> "
gsm_state = 30; // Expecting 'R'
if (tmp == 'S') // We have 'S', it could be "Status?" or "Set"
gsm_state = 40; // Expecting 't'
if (tmp == 'R') // We have 'R', it could be "RDx" or
gsm_state = 50; // Expecting D
if (tmp == 'C') // We have 'C', it could be "Clear"
gsm_state = 110; // Expecting l
if (tmp == 'U') // We have 'U', it could be "UNREAD"
gsm_state = 120; // Expecting l
case 1: {
if (tmp == 'K') { // We have 'K' ->
response = GSM_OK; // We have "OK" response
gsm_state = 20; // Expecting CR+LF
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 10: {
if (tmp == ' ') {
response_rcvd = 1; // We have "> " response
response = GSM_Ready_To_Receive_Message; // Set reception flag
responseID = response; // Set response ID
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 20: {
if (tmp == 13) // We have 13, it could be CR+LF
gsm_state = 21; // Expecting LF
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 21: {
if (tmp == 10) { // We have LF, response is complete
response_rcvd = 1; // Set reception flag
responseID = response; // Set response ID
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 30: {
if (tmp == 'R') // We have 'R', it could be "ERROR"
gsm_state = 31; // Expecting 'R'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 31: {
if (tmp == 'R') // We have 'R', it could be "ERROR"
gsm_state = 32; // Expecting 'O'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 32: {
if (tmp == 'O') // We have 'O', it could be "ERROR"
gsm_state = 33; // Expecting 'R'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 33: {
if (tmp == 'R'){ // We have 'R'
response_rcvd = 1; // We have "ERROR" response
response = GSM_ERROR; // Set reception flag
responseID = response; // Set response ID
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 40: {
if (tmp == 't') // We have 't', it could be "Status?"
gsm_state = 41; // Expecting 'a'
if (tmp == 'e') // We have 'e'. it could be "Set"
gsm_state = 100;
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
}; break;
case 41: {
if (tmp == 'a') // We have 'a', it could be "Status?"
gsm_state = 42; // Expecting 't'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 42: {
if (tmp == 't') // We have 't', it could be "Status?"
gsm_state = 43; // Expecting 'u'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 43: {
if (tmp == 'u') // We have 'u', it could be "Status?"
gsm_state = 44; // Expecting 's'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 44: {
if (tmp == 's') // We have 's', it could be "Status?"
gsm_state = 45; // Expecting '?'
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 45: {
if (tmp == '?'){ // We have '?'
status_req = 1; // Status has been requested!
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine

case 50: {
if (tmp == 'D') // We have 'D', it could be "RDx"
gsm_state = 51; // Expecting number
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
case 51: {
if (tmp >= '0' && tmp <= '7'){ // We have pin number, it could be "RDx"
if (set_stat)
Digital_O |= 1 << (tmp - '0');
if (clr_Stat)
Digital_O &= (0xFF ^(1 << (tmp - '0')));
PORT_flag = 1;
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
}; break;

case 100: {
if (tmp == 't'){ // We have 't', we received set command
set_stat = 1; // Set following bits
clr_stat = 0; // Do not clear following bits
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 110: {
if (tmp == 'l'){ // We have 'l', it could be Clear
gsm_state = 111;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 111: {
if (tmp == 'e'){ // We have 'e', it could be Clear
gsm_state = 112;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 112: {
if (tmp == 'a'){ // We have 'a', it could be Clear
gsm_state = 113;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 113: {
if (tmp == 'r'){ // We have 'r', we have received Clear
clr_stat = 1; // Clear following bits
set_stat = 0; // Do not set following bits
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 120: {
if (tmp == 'N')
gsm_state = 121;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 121: {
if (tmp == 'R')
gsm_state = 122;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 122: {
if (tmp == 'E')
gsm_state = 123;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 123: {
if (tmp == 'A')
gsm_state = 124;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
case 124: {
if (tmp == 'D'){
response_rcvd = 1; // We have "ERROR" response
response = GSM_UNREAD; // Set reception flag
responseID = response; // Set response ID
Unread_flag = 1;
gsm_state = 0;
}; break;
default: { // Unwanted character
gsm_state = 0; // Reset state machine
// parse phone number on which we should reply
switch (gsm_number) {
case 0 :{
if (tmp == '"'){
gsm_number = 1;
i = 0;
}; break;
case 1 :{
if (tmp == '+'){
phone_number[i] = tmp;
i ++;
gsm_number = 2;
gsm_number = 0;
i = 0;
}; break;
case 2 :{
if (tmp >= '0' && tmp <= '9'){
phone_number[i] = tmp;
i ++;
if (tmp == '"'){
phone_number[i] = 0;
i = 0;
gsm_number = 0;
phone_number[0] = 0;
i = 0;
gsm_number = 0;
}; break;
default : {
phone_number[0] = 0;
i = 0;
gsm_number = 0;


Brayam Ruiz

posted on 2013/05/19 11:45:37 PM CEST

Communication > WiFi

UDP Wifi_plus example

hi, please can you help me with a example about UDP socket in mode infrastructure thanks

Michael Schuckel

posted on 2013/05/19 07:58:58 PM CEST

Power supply

Basic PWM setup on the dsPIC33FJ128MC802

Can any show me a setup that will get the basic PWM hardware running in the dsPIC33FJ128MC802.

I have been attempting to get it to function no results thus far.

any help here would be most appreciated! I have the basic PWM functioning on older PICs and I am sure it is a configuration register I am missing somewhere.


iverson nair

posted on 2013/05/14 09:57:56 AM CEST

Graphics & LCD

displaying different messages on 16x2 lcd with pic16f628a

im trying to display different messages when push button is depressed. the program buids in mikro c but when connected
the message to be displayed when switch is depressed comes up even if the swith is off can any one helpsource code is below


// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
// End LCD module connections

// Define Messages
char text1[] = "test 1";
char text2[] = "lcd on";
char text3[] = "test 2";
char text4[] = "good";
char text5[] = "test 3 ";
char text6[] = "fine";
char text7[] = "test5";
char text8[] = "good";
char text9[] = "test 7";
char text10[] = "good";
char text11[] = "test 8";
char text12[] = "good";
char text13[] = "test9";

void main() {
CMCON |= 7; // Disable Comparators
TRISB = 0;
PORTB = 0;
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
PORTA = 255;
TRISA = 255;

Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD
do {
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
Lcd_Out(1,1,text1); // Write message1 in 1st row
Lcd_Out(2,1,text2); // Write message1 in 2nd row
Delay_ms(1000); // delay 3s
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Delay_ms(1000); // delay 1s
Lcd_Out(1,1,text1); // Write message3 in 1st row
Delay_ms(8000); // delay 15S
} while(0);


Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
Lcd_Out(1,1,text5); // Write message1 in 1st row
Lcd_Out(2,1,text6); // Write message1 in 2nd row
Delay_ms(3000); // WAIT 3 SEC
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
Lcd_Out(1,1,text1); // Write message1 in 1st row
Lcd_Out(2,1,text7); // Write message1 in 2nd row



Reza Rafiei

posted on 2013/05/13 07:50:34 AM CEST

Motor Control

BLDC sensored or sensorless motor controL


Anybody have the mikroC program for Brushless DC ( BLDC ) sensored or sensorless motor control using pic16F or 18F .

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