We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2013/05/02 05:21:11 PM CEST
I need a USB(host&device) library for AVR microcontrollers.My compiler is mikroc pro for AVR,please help me.thank you
posted on 2013/05/01 07:53:33 AM CEST
To All, has anyone used the Modbus RTU protocol with a TCP interface that runs on Ethernet.
I'm using the PIC32 C compiler.
Thanks in advance....
posted on 2013/04/29 07:40:46 AM CEST
hi im new on this forum
could anyone help with code on how to set the TH & TL function on the ds 18b20 sensor.
im using mikro c pro with 16f887.
any code example would be appreciated
posted on 2013/04/27 07:34:59 PM CEST
Please any one with an idea towards having code to enable me interface a CMOS image sensor to a PIC18F45K22 MCU.
posted on 2013/04/25 11:24:38 AM CEST
I need a code for pulse counter using PIC 16F877a notice that pulses have not uniform frequencies ,so that i need to count pulses amplitude and display the counter in LCD