Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Ruud Kerstens

posted on 2013/03/23 02:00:43 PM CET

Graphics & LCD

8x8 click module Micropascal and AVR


All examples I find here are for PIC or ARM, but sofar no luck for AVR. Anybody able to recode this? Or Mikroe, can you also supply these examples?

rzite rzite

posted on 2013/03/20 11:50:00 AM CET

Audio & Speech

mikrobasic interrupt on wdt

I wont intercept a interrupt when wdt allow
Please give mi a example.

rzite rzite

posted on 2013/03/20 11:47:24 AM CET


pic16f887 i2c timeout on i2c_rd

I have a problem for pic to pic communiction.
I wont intercept when the communication thru a pic is break
Please give me a suggestion
sorry for the english

srinivasan dodda

posted on 2013/03/20 10:58:44 AM CET

Audio & Speech

wifi plus click + pic18F452

im working on the wifi http demo example with pic18f452, but i have a problem with hard ware.... the module doesnt get initialize....

Peter Watts

posted on 2013/03/18 10:50:58 PM CET


I am looking for STM32 MikroC developer with FAT32 experience

If you are interested in some paid project work, please contact me.

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