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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Dina Hussieny
Dina Hussieny

posted on 2013/03/03 04:31:23 AM CET

Audio & Speech

SPI Connection

i am using EasyMx PRO v7 for STM32 and Mikro C for ARM compiler i want to konw how can i connect my LCD with SPI i use STM32F107VC

Xavier Bourasseau

posted on 2013/02/25 04:30:20 PM CET

Graphics & LCD > GLCD

Touch Panel default ADC_THRESHOLD


Does anyone know where the default "const ADC_THRESHOLD" value, generated at 1500 from GLCD toolkit, can be changed ?

Thanks in advance for your help !


Sreeraj Balan

posted on 2013/02/12 12:03:43 AM CET


Rotary Encoder

I am new to PIC programming..
Can anybody help me to "interface a rotary encoder (with push switch) with PIC16F877A" ( MikroC)....
it is for making a channel volume controller using PT2258..

With Regards

Muhammad Tamim

posted on 2013/02/11 02:42:41 AM CET

Gaming and Fun

PlayStation 2 controller

The PlayStation 2 controller uses some sort of serial interface (looks like SPI)
Two analog xy sticks,
Pressure sensitive Buttons
How did this get past you MikroE ?!?!?

We need a good Library !

Toni P.

posted on 2013/02/07 12:25:50 PM CET

Graphics & LCD > TFT

Usage of PIN for Back Light (BLED) with PWM on mikromedia for dsPIC33EP

Can somebody help me with example code for usage of BLED pin to dim TFT display in mikroC for mikromedia for dsPIC33EP.
How to achieve to change contrast of TFT or even turn it off.

Thank you,

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