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posted on 2013/03/18 02:10:07 PM CET
Trying to programm PIC 12F629 with easyPIC6 and get message from programmer that he recognize PIC12F508.
What is it about.
posted on 2013/03/18 06:27:57 AM CET
Hi to every one ,is there any one that have a example code for using the capture of the ccp module ,i am new to PIC programming, i want to use the code to measure the pulse widht of a incoming frequency at pin RB3 , i am using the Pic 16f88, and the compiler is mikro c,i do know how to set it up ,my problem is the interrupt and the read of the value in the CCPR1 register,
Thanks in advance.
posted on 2013/03/15 06:55:41 AM CET
Hi to all,
This is Manikandan from Bright Idea Automation solutions, which is one of the reputed company in India. here i have a problem to interface Load cell with PIC16f877A. The input for the load cell is 5v. & it gives the output in mv like 3mv depending upon the weight & it varies according to weight in milli volts.
Here i want to know, how to read this millivolts from the loadcell & display in LCD in 6 digits. please help me. thank you all
Please mail me at biasautomation@gmail.com
posted on 2013/03/14 03:54:36 PM CET
i like to use mpusbapi.dll provided by microchip, i want to use bulk type transfer, not only interrupt. how can i do it?
do i only modify the USBdsc.c ?
does anyone have some example?
i can comunicate using mpusbapi.dll pc side, but the problem is when i connect the microcontroller to the pc it's detected as HID, i have to do a lot of to overwrithe the microchip driver.
thank you.
posted on 2013/03/05 04:22:18 AM CET
hi, evrybody.,
I use program "MikroPascal for 8051" but I do not know how to use the command:
i'd like to write some data to eeprom (24c04)
and read it
pls, help me