Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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David Lemmen

posted on 2013/02/04 08:20:22 AM CET

Audio & Speech

AVR multiple audio track access

Can anyone supply an example of how to get the demo mp3 player to play back more than the one file it currently plays. Seems to do with the global variable mp3_filename. Removing this file causes it to not play. I was not able to get the program to load another file from a local variable. Any help would be appreciated.....

Willy Lievens

posted on 2013/02/01 10:42:30 AM CET

Communication > USB

Menu Tools USART Terminal for USB-communication


I work with EasyPIC-7/MikroC PRO for PIC/16F887, a wonderful platform!
My PC has no tradional RS232 COM-port (DSUB-9).
So, I want to use the USB UART (at the left side of the 4x7-segment display)
My PC recognice the USB-connection with the build-in USART Terminal (on USB/COM-3).
There is communication... but the program doesn't work. I receive only strange characters.
The USART-terminal settings for this are:
Bits per second: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None.
What's my problem?

Can you help me?

void newline()
UART1_Write(13); // Carriage Return
UART1_Write(10); // Line Feed

void main()
unsigned char MyError, Temp;

ANSEL = ANSELH = 0x00;
C1ON_bit = C2ON_bit = 0; // Disable Comparators
TRISB = 0b00000010;
UART1_Write_Text("Testing UART! ");

UART1_Write_Text("Type in a Number: ");
Temp = UART1_Read();
UART1_Write_Text("You entered: ");
} while(1);
} // End main()

krish na

posted on 2013/01/30 11:25:52 PM CET

Other Codes

need code in microc

i nee code in microc for the following
2 toggle switches and 8 leds
sw1 and sw2 off means = all leds off
if sw1 on - led1 on- 5 millisecond delay-led2 on- 5 millisecond delay-led 3 on-1millisecond delay-led3 off-10 millisecond delay- led4 on 1msec delay -led4 off. thishould repeat in loop and should also check if sw2 is on if it is on then all led off
the same for if sw2on.

Elmira Sabbadin

posted on 2013/01/30 09:10:54 AM CET

Other Codes

2 Leds and 2 different TMRs

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow I have to hand a mini project I was asked to make as a homework. I'm still a beginner and I can't understand the syntax very well so I couldn't write the code .. I surfed the net for solutions but couldn't find anything helpful so i'm hoping someone can help me ASAP.

Here's the information that should help:

-Pic 16F886
-Quartz 8MHz

Here's the homework :

Using "interrupt" and "TMR" commands, turn on 2 leds together, but each one will be turned off and on again with a different frequency (they don't have the same timer).

Waiting for your answers.


R Deane

posted on 2013/01/28 07:34:58 PM CET


Smart Card (SLE 4442) type

Need help or pointers to read this type of card with MicroBasic

Thanks in advance

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