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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Nigel Mercier

posted on 2012/07/19 06:46:58 AM CEST

Graphics & LCD

MikroC code for ST7565P LCD Controller

Has anyone got code for a ST7565P LCD Controller, preferably MikroC?

Carlos Costa

posted on 2012/07/15 10:29:38 AM CEST

Other Codes

Menu Library for Mikroc PRO PIC 18F

I found very interesting the library for menu designing at created by Dany. But this library is for MikroPascal. Does someone have one for mikroc PRO for pic18f? It is a based text menu library.


posted on 2012/07/06 03:43:22 PM CEST


Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085

I go crazy to run the barometric sensor.
I can not have a value of not including the proper temperature correction formulas to apply.
Would he have someone who has a piece of working code for this type of sensor?

Thank you in advance.

PS: Google translation is my friends.


posted on 2012/06/21 10:17:40 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

Network Ethernet library. mikroC pro for PIC code


I have a code in old version library. It just send some data using TCP/IP, but you know there is aproblem about closing the socket.
I need new library code. Can you provide me a simple code just sending data to Serial ethernet board 2 using TCP.

Thank you for your concern.

Hari Melath

posted on 2012/06/14 06:02:34 AM CEST


ADC to measure 50HZ Sine wave AC voltage

I am working on AC voltage measurement using the PIC18F45K22. I do not want transformer isolation, instead wants to clamp the Ac voltage to 50% of the VDD of the chip and make zero voltage as 2.5V at ADC point. Can any body help with a code sample to measure RMS volatge with this method.

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