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posted on 2012/06/21 10:17:40 AM CEST
I have a code in old version library. It just send some data using TCP/IP, but you know there is aproblem about closing the socket.
I need new library code. Can you provide me a simple code just sending data to Serial ethernet board 2 using TCP.
Thank you for your concern.
posted on 2012/06/14 06:02:34 AM CEST
I am working on AC voltage measurement using the PIC18F45K22. I do not want transformer isolation, instead wants to clamp the Ac voltage to 50% of the VDD of the chip and make zero voltage as 2.5V at ADC point. Can any body help with a code sample to measure RMS volatge with this method.
posted on 2012/06/09 10:06:17 AM CEST
Hello, im quite new in μPascal (i have made a lot simple projects with LCDs, GLCDs, Serials and one with USB on PIC18F4550)...
I Need an example code to learn how to control AD8951 with PIC16F887. I want to make a DDS Generator with 2hrs sweep (for a Rife machine for cancer's treatment, if you want information contact me)
thank you in advance, Andrew Mihelis
posted on 2012/06/07 11:48:48 AM CEST
prejudice, it would be possible to manage a library of integrated tlc5940, since it is not very easy to develop a library for this device, Would You like us only the help of experts like you
posted on 2012/06/01 12:32:52 PM CEST