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Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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Robert Smej

posted on 2011/09/04 05:25:57 PM CEST

Graphics & LCD

Camera module on pic32mx board


I have the multimedia for pic32mx board. The only thing that I miss on that board is a camera module. So I'm trying to interface that board with ov7670 sccb (i2c) camera. I need a code, to read single image from camera and show it on the display.

Thanks for replays,

Trevor Dawes

posted on 2011/08/31 12:18:39 PM CEST

Internal MCU modules

Capacitive touch

Hi all the PIC Guru's out there, has anyone used the capacitive touch modules that are coming out on the new PIC's?
I thought of using a PIC12F1822 as a capacitive touch 4x4 keypad.

Kind regards


Pierre Edouard

posted on 2011/08/31 05:55:20 AM CEST

Other Codes

TLC 5940 Library

I'm working on a project using TLC5940 (from TexasInstrument) to control many leds (3 x 64 RGB leds = 192).
I found on arduino system, a library to control theses TLC5940.

Does it exist a similar library for PicBasic PRO?
If no, does somebody able to develop this library? I'm sure, that can interest many people.

Thanks for your answer and have a good day.

This subjet has already been proposer in mikroElek forum here :

Serge Tremblay

posted on 2011/08/30 09:07:46 PM CEST

Motor Control

PID library

I would like to have a PID library to control servo motors with the feedback of an accelerometer for balancing a quadcopter. I know theres a lot of request here and you surely could not fill them all, but you could open a pool to see the most popular and after begin by the less time consuming.

Jair Olguin

posted on 2011/08/30 12:09:16 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

RFID EM4095 VS RFID ID-12 ID help!!

well hello, i wish you could help me, i bought one of the Mikroe RFID reader and the ID innovations ID-12 RFID Reader, i used both with the same TAG and when i read the TAG with the Mikroe One, i watch like it's obviously that it's encoding is Manchester type.
then i got the 64 bits:

11111 ;f
00000 ;0
10001 ;8
00100 ;2
00010 ;1
11011 ;D
10010 ;9
01000 ;4
00000 ;0
01100 ;6
10000 ;8

i know the first 9 bit are set, then it comes 2 nibbles with the fabricant id, later the 32 bits for the card ID, then the row parity bits, then the column parity bits... and bla bla...

well i got this code from the TAG: 0002021288

and when i read it with the ID-12 i got this code I KNOW It's ASCII, and i know about the Check Sum bytes.

i got this:


and when i convert: 001ED7A8 to decimal i got the TAG 0002021288, then the ID-12 is correct, the em4095 reads in manchester, also de ID-12, but ID-12 converts to serial 9600 bps,1sb,none, i wish to know if someone know's


11111 ;f
00000 ;0
10001 ;8
00100 ;2
00010 ;1
11011 ;D
10010 ;9
01000 ;4
00000 ;0
01100 ;6
10000 ;8



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