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posted on 2011/08/25 05:14:31 AM CEST
I want to use pic32 with camera to capture a frame when require and then transfer that image to another controller and display there on GLCD. Please help me out if anyone know the method (how to convert the analog frame n to digital) or have some resources.
posted on 2011/08/24 04:08:05 PM CEST
I need the code example for Audio Codec Board - PROTO as soon as possible. It has been more than one year without any news.
posted on 2011/08/24 01:49:55 PM CEST
I would like to know how to communicate with the nRF905 C433 device (14 pin) from nordice with my pic184520. So far i have tried sending through with TXREG = 'F'; and recieved something else. Also i am trying SPI but it is also proving diffcult. PLease help, will upload my code on request.
posted on 2011/08/23 05:48:53 PM CEST
Hi i have a question i have mb 5.01 and there is a example whit the ccp module to make a pwm generator , but there is no example for the ccp capure mode and ccp compare mode to see how thats works , so my question can there make some examples of them whit a input to compare and capure , thank you for your help. and how i can use the srf05 ultrasonic range finder in to basic ,
thanks for you reactions
posted on 2011/08/23 05:12:42 AM CEST
Good morning,
I'm using a PIC32MX795F512L with MikroC for PIC32 with license.
I'm using the "UART1 Receive interrupt" and an "External interrupt (INT0)". I wrote the head of the ISR using the Interrupt Assistant.
void encoderInt() iv IVT_EXTERNAL_0 ilevel 7 ics ICS_SOFT
void Ricezione() iv IVT_UART_1 ilevel 1 ics ICS_SOFT
In the main I set:
Code: Select all
UART1_Init(57600); // Initialize UART module at 57600 bps
Delay_ms(100); // Wait for UART module to stabilize
U1IP0_bit=1; // priority=1
U1RXIF_bit=0; // flag=0
U1RXIE_bit=1; // enable Interrupt Uart
URXISEL0_bit=0; // setting interrupt
EnableInterrupts(); // Enable all interrupts
INT0EP_bit=1; //rising
INT0IF_bit=0; //pulizia flag
INT0IE_bit=1; //enable
INT0IP0_bit=1; //priority 7
EnableInterrupts(); // Enable all interrupts
In the Edit Project I set
Interrupt Control :
- Multi Vector
- Vector Spacing 32
- SRS: 7
I can't obtain the desired behaviour: if the high priority interrupt occours during the ISR of the low priority interrupt, the h.p.interrupt must be immediately serviced.
Currently the high priority interrupt (INT0) is seviced only at the end of the ISR of the low priority interrupt (UART1) (if the h.p.interrupt happens during the ISR of the low priority interrupt)
I would obtain nested interrupts. What I wrong?
Thanks a lot!