We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2011/08/22 08:09:22 AM CEST
I am interested in implementing a simple music (WAV) player using a single PIC micro with PWM, which reads music files from an MMC memory and plays it,
posted on 2011/08/22 05:44:01 AM CEST
It would be interesting to receive an example of operation using two-way transmission easybee boards and development tools, as the examples of mikroBASIC have only one-way function.
thank you very much
posted on 2011/08/21 11:53:24 PM CEST
I want to control the steeper motor with pic18f452.please tell me about the sequence that how can i get the step angle of 9 degree or any degree according to my requriement.please give me some helping diagram and source code.thanks
posted on 2011/08/21 05:35:10 AM CEST
Does anyone have a code or a library for handling the mTouch module for the capacitive keyboard ?
posted on 2011/08/20 12:05:50 PM CEST
i request every body which person use micro c \ basic.pl shear hear code sample which can drive adc controlled relay \ led etc bit vise.
RA0_bit= 1 or 0
RC2_bit= 1 or 0
RB5_bit= 1 or 0
RD3_bit= 1 or 0