We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2011/08/22 09:44:49 AM CEST
I have an EasyPic5 and i want to use the PIC 16F648a on this board to write to the LCD display.
How write the code for LCD on Easypic5 with PIC 16F648a or 16F628a
posted on 2011/08/22 08:09:22 AM CEST
I am interested in implementing a simple music (WAV) player using a single PIC micro with PWM, which reads music files from an MMC memory and plays it,
posted on 2011/08/22 05:44:01 AM CEST
It would be interesting to receive an example of operation using two-way transmission easybee boards and development tools, as the examples of mikroBASIC have only one-way function.
thank you very much
posted on 2011/08/21 11:53:24 PM CEST
I want to control the steeper motor with pic18f452.please tell me about the sequence that how can i get the step angle of 9 degree or any degree according to my requriement.please give me some helping diagram and source code.thanks
posted on 2011/08/21 05:35:10 AM CEST
Does anyone have a code or a library for handling the mTouch module for the capacitive keyboard ?