We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2013/07/04 07:19:12 AM CEST
i am nwe to programing with pics and am trying to produce a sine wave with a freq. and amp. that are detrmend by the user in the code.
i am having truble in writing the code, if any one can asist i will be gratefull..
i have the easypic 7 with 18f45k22 pic
posted on 2013/07/02 02:57:32 PM CEST
Hello, I wanted to know how I can go about trying to display the product of discrete convolution on a GLCD using dspic30F6014A.
posted on 2013/06/30 09:56:28 PM CEST
I've just bought an EasyMx PRO for STM32 with the default STM32F107VCT6 MCU. I don't come from the MCU world; I come from the "PC development" world, so electronics are something new to me. There's no need to "initialize" peripherals on the PC world, so I need as much info as possible for this MCU.
So, any "Hello World" source code for this MCU is appreciated.
posted on 2013/06/24 12:20:28 AM CEST
Hi to everybody.
I need the right code.Im trying to work with easy TFT 320 x 240 (256k colors). (the model is MIO283QT-9A).I have easyPIC fusion v7 development board with a dsPIC33EP512MU810 microcontroller.I downloaded the examples to work with this panel but just the touch panel it doesnt work.The screen works fine if I put some extra code I can change from one screen to another screen but with the touch panel I can't.Is there someone that already worked with this touch panel that have the code???
posted on 2013/06/18 02:42:06 PM CEST
Is it possible to use SPI1 for CAN and SPI2 for Ethernet? I cannot seem to have both working at the same time.