We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2013/06/12 10:40:32 AM CEST
Can someone please help with some picbasic dspic pic24 code please. I cannot translate C thanks
posted on 2013/06/09 06:20:39 PM CEST
Please, all i just need is a proteus circuit that works with the mikroc pro I2C example. Thanks
posted on 2013/06/09 01:32:23 PM CEST
i would like see how configure the Timer0 in PIC18 series, more specific in 4585 model. i want to learn how calc the overflow period.
thanks for you help
posted on 2013/06/08 10:00:56 AM CEST
I note that there are various examples of GPS code on here, all for dedicated devices. My device puts out standard NMEA sentences that I will get via a UART. Which of these examples would be most suitable?
posted on 2013/06/01 02:14:47 PM CEST
Dear all,
Would be cool there is a LIB for this common Accelerator MPU 6050.
Its quite common chip and used in many smartphone. Qould be cool there is code easy to go