Libstock prefers package manager

Package Manager

We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]

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anton carstens

posted on 2013/06/12 10:40:32 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

mp3 code

Can someone please help with some picbasic dspic pic24 code please. I cannot translate C thanks

Oluwole Oyetoke

posted on 2013/06/09 06:20:39 PM CEST



Please, all i just need is a proteus circuit that works with the mikroc pro I2C example. Thanks

Alan Oberto

posted on 2013/06/09 01:32:23 PM CEST

Timers (Real time clock)

Timer0 with PIC18F4585 example

i would like see how configure the Timer0 in PIC18 series, more specific in 4585 model. i want to learn how calc the overflow period.

thanks for you help

Nigel Mercier

posted on 2013/06/08 10:00:56 AM CEST

Audio & Speech

Code to parse NMEA sentences? MikroC Pro

I note that there are various examples of GPS code on here, all for dedicated devices. My device puts out standard NMEA sentences that I will get via a UART. Which of these examples would be most suitable?

Raphael Lang

posted on 2013/06/01 02:14:47 PM CEST


PIC32 MPU 6050 Accelerator I2C LIB

Dear all,

Would be cool there is a LIB for this common Accelerator MPU 6050.
Its quite common chip and used in many smartphone. Qould be cool there is code easy to go



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