We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
posted on 2011/08/19 11:11:36 AM CEST
I bought a LCD touch screen from Ebay.
something like this model :
I would like to use it mean, screen and touch screen, with a pic 18fxxx
Anyone have a way to drive it in MikroC?
thank you,
posted on 2011/08/19 07:50:15 AM CEST
It is required to interface the serial pins in Xbee module with uart of mikro + sending and receiving voice Thanks for your help ..
posted on 2011/08/19 06:53:46 AM CEST
I want to make programmable a usb joystick for EasyPIC 5...
I have tried some examples but I guess I am missing somethin :(
posted on 2011/08/19 05:48:52 AM CEST
hello eveybody
i want to a code about communicating two board LV 24-33 A and LV 24-33 with two Easybee.I used the example code and i wrote a program but it didn't work.If it works, i will share all of you instantly.
posted on 2011/08/19 04:59:01 AM CEST
Is there any body here using differential ADC on mikromedia for Xmega ??
I've tried to write program using mikro C but fail. Please share your code or maybe give me a simple example.